
Puppy Training

Serving the Triad and Surrounding Areas

I Will Help You Put Your Puppy on the Right Path to

Become a GREAT Adult Dog!

Spend time enjoying your puppy instead of constantly dealing with their frustrating behaviors.

Get through the 3 puppy stages that, left unfixed, lead to frustrating problem behaviors later in their life.

Teach your puppy important life skills for long-term success with you and your loved ones.

Are you having any of these issues with your new puppy? I can help!

Puppy chewing on things and ruining them?

If this is causing you annoyance and distress, you are nat alone.

Getting a new puppy to sleep through the night can cause exhaustion. The last thing we want is to be irritable with our puppy!

Is your new puppy anxious when left alone, and you feel guilty about leaving them home without you?

Potty training is one of the most frustraing and embarrassing parts of puppy training, and we have solutions!

At NC Puppy Coach,

I believe you deserve:

  • A trusting relationship with your puppy that lasts a lifetime.

  • A rewarding and positive experience both with your puppy and your puppy trainer.

  • A personalized training plan, because every puppy is different.

  • Ongoing support and guidance from your puppy trainer.

  • Empathy and understanding from your puppy trainer.

  • A trainer who understands the struggles new puppy owners face, so your stress is alleviated.

  • Reassurance and practical solutions to the common puppy problems that frustrate all new (and even experienced) puppy owners.

Why You Can Trust Me, NC Puppy Coach (Heather Travis):

Hi! I'm Heather Travis. I've been working with animals for over 20 years and working professionally with dogs since 2005. I have vast experience working in veterinary clinics, grooming salons, animal shelters, pet specialty retail, dog walking...

AND I have been a dog trainer for over 10 years.

In fact, I still have a successful dog training business in another state.

When I moved to North Carolina, I started NC Puppy Coach as my passion project.

I LOVE to help puppy owners get the personal support and guidance they need during the challenging puppy and teenage stages.

After the puppy stage challenges are over, and puppy owners see the potential of their dog, then we often continue working together over the years.

Zora's Puppy Success Story:

“We were lucky enough to find Heather when we got Zora as a puppy. Heather is a great trainer and incredible resource.

Even before we opted for her “puppy package”, she offered really helpful tips and information about raising our new puppy.

On several occasions, both during our training period and afterward, I reached out to Heather asking for her expert advice and she always made herself available.

This was not our first time with a puppy or with a training program, but boy did we learn some new tricks thanks to Heather!

I love her level headed and informed approach to training.

She really knows what she is doing as a dog trainer and, just as important, she is good at teaching humans how to train dogs too.

I always recommend Heather when I meet people with puppies- or adult dogs!- who are looking for a good trainer..”

Jessica McGrane & Zora

3 Easy Steps to Get Started with NC Puppy Coach:


Fill our the form below to schedule your puppy's free consultation.
Heather will email/text you back.


We will book a time to talk, and discuss your training goals for your puppy and how we can help.


Start your training program and start to enjoy your puppy even more!

NC Puppy Coach's Promise to You:

  • I will never shame you or judge you for your puppy’s behavior. I believe in treating both dogs AND people with compassion, and honestly, I've been there before with my personal pups too!

  • I will provide my expert advice and guidance tailored to your dog's individual needs and personality to help meet your specific training goals.

  • I will empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to support your puppy through their training and behavior challenges giving you the confidence to handle them wherever you go.

Gracie's Puppy Success Story:

“Heather is a gifted, committed, transformative trainer.

We adopted a 7-month old lab mix, Gracie, who was totally untrained at adoption and despite our years with many dogs this pup was overwhelming until Heather entered our lives.

Heather taught us & Gracie with knowledge and loving discipline.

The change in Gracie is so remarkable that at her last vet visit the vet called me to ask who transformed Gracie - we went from Gracie needing canine acupuncture to calm her down to Gracie's most recent vet visit where acupuncture was no longer needed -- and that's a tribute to Heather's training.

We've all grown working with Heather and highly recommend her.”

Alexis Halley & Gracie

What you and your puppy get when you work with NC Puppy Coach:

Puppy goes potty outside

Puppy enjoys spending time in their crate

Your pup will be great with grooming and nail trims

Puppy will drop whatever items they put in their mouth

Imagine: Puppy walks nicely on a loose leash

Your pup will greet people politely and calmly

Puppy pays attention and listen even around distractions

Your pup will relax and settle at your side

YOU will be confident when faced with stressful situations with your puppy

Pup will travel calmly in the car

IMAGINE: Puppy comes when called the first time

Your puppy will behave politely in public spaces

How NC Puppy Coach Gets GREAT Results:

  • After 10 years of training puppies and adult dogs, we have developed a unique framework

  • The traditional model of a 6 week group puppy class, or a few lessons in your home DOES NOT work for long-term success with your puppy who soon will become an adolescent and then adult DOG.

  • If you are a parent of human children, or you know a parent of one, then you know that we don't send them to kindergarten and expect them to graduate from college the next month.

  • Training and raising a young puppy is a unique undertaking, much different from training a dog that is already mature and grown.

  • Puppies change so much over the course of the first year and go through many important (and sometimes challenging) developmental stages. One day your puppy might remember EVERYTHING they learned, and the next day they can act like they don't know a thing. This is NORMAL, and why we do things a little differently.

There are 3 Critical Stages That Puppies Go Through...

And NC Puppy Coach is here to guide you through these to the other side.

We work together in an ongoing manner,

through our exclusive

Puppy Clubhouse Membership.

We work at your puppy's speed, through the challenging stages.

You gain confidence as puppy grows and your hard work pays off.

You see the paw-sibilities and your puppy becomes a well -trained adult dog.

Maverick's Puppy Success Story:

“Heather was amazing with Maverick, our GSP puppy.

She gave detailed training sessions at our house with handout instructions to reinforce the teaching.

Her attention to the details of dog behavior is impeccable. I wish I had her around when my kids were smaller because a lot of what she said about puppies seems to hold true for toddlers too.

Our family highly recommends Heather- time and money very well spent.”

Theresa Guyton & Maverick

Fill out the form below, and I will contact you back shortly to get you and your new puppy started!

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

Copyright Lead The Way K9 Training